Blog Archive
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
First Camping Trip of the Year!
Daniel Turns 28!
Kayaking on my birthday! I made everyone get up and do what I wanted to do on my birthday :)
And Daniel... being annoyingly good at kayaking... standard. :) Awesome action shot!
Feliz blah blah blah a ti... something like that. Birthday song on the beach!
On our way to dinner...
Daniel and I kicking A at smash ball... we own the record on sand and grass surfaces... BAM!
Kimmers and I practicing our surf technique. Kim was an awesome beginner. Me, not so much!
Crap... we lost!
The awesome band in Buccarias we stumbled upon. We made our mark at this bar... even made the "Wall of Fun!" (it really exists)
The gangs all here!
From left to right: Jeff & Kim (played bb with Kim at Fox), me & Daniel, Shannon & Beaver (our buddies that just moved back to the OC... LAME!)
Shannon & Beaver caught some red snapper and then talked the cook staff in to making some fresh ceviche for the group.
A lot of this went down, aka, doing nothing in the sun!
Oh ya... and this is a view from our deck look down onto our pool... Thanks again, Shannon's dad!
WOOO for making it home without Swine Flu!